Re: Temple in Mendozzzaaa!!!!!

ah here is the foto with the happy misionaries haha sorry that other is from today with transfers with another sister!!!

On Mon, Oct 8, 2018 at 3:29 PM Chelsea Anne Martines <> wrote:
hola Todos

Lo siento porque esa email no va a ser muy largo! (sorry i dont have a Lot of time haha again) but this week was incredible! With the conferencia general, transfers, and other amazing lessons it was a great week. so I am training Hermana Saad again this transfer haha! im so excited she is really an amazing person, the strongest person I know having all her trials in her family and she works so hard here! I am going to miss my other comp also a lot! Hna marceliano! she is the most amzing example to me! When I think of her, I will always remember her amazing example...she is very dedicated, mature, obediente, but also knows perfectly how to have fun and serve and enjoy the time we have. I love being with her! but I know she will do great in her home now in Peru! 

We have found more people ready here for the gospel, but were trying to put more baptismal dates since all the dates we had, have fallen..its part of the mish i guess. but I love this area! We see blessings everyday. Im also happy kinda that we dont have to do intercambios, exchantges, all thetime now haha since im not the sister training leader..leaves more time for us in our area to work. we are trying to put a big focus on working with the members!!! (hint at all you members, work with the misionaries!) also with history familiar. 

with the conference yesterday and sat, it was incredible! I loved the talks and I am more and more convinced that THIS is the church of Jesus Christ and not lead by just men, but by the Lord himself. Im so happy and beyond grateful for the tmple here!! I will be amazing to come back here and see it! I feel so blessed that the Lord is blessing my mission. the poeple here have worked so hard to have a temple! We were all crying and screaming yesterday to hear this news! 

I hope everyone takes care and remembers that the Lord loves each of you and invites you to come unto Him! 
Hermana Martines

1. less active that we got to activate :)
2. yesterday missionaries happy for the temple!
3,4 . my bday 2 weeks ago haha!


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