last one....

hello everyone!

well, i just have a couple last things to share here. This is going to be my last week of my mision. it is amazing to me. I have learned so much here more than ever before in my whole life. I think i am in debt to my father in heaven for all he has done for me! there are no words to describe it in any language.

We have found 6 new people to teach! I am loving it. one if them is Estefania she is so special and i feel so bad for her. she doesnt have work (like 80% of the people here), and is a single mom of 3. Very humble. I felt the spirit so strong iwth her. Nancy is doing really well witrh the ward too here , it is amazing to see the  chagne in people. I will miss it very much. The ward here has taught me so many things that will change my life forever. It is a ward where there is unity and faith and actual conversion in the Lord Jesus Christ.

I dont have time to send pictures, but in just a week or so you will all see more anyways after. Sorry haha. Today has been packed with like 15 things to do but oh well. I just hope everyone keeps there faith centered in Jesus Christ and that they keep their head up in challenges! There is always peace! Turn to him for happiness and it will last longer than anything the world offers...mosiah 3:19, moroni 10:32, matthew 11:28-30.

con amor,
Hermana Martines


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