Re: Ilumina el mundo con la luz de Cristo!

the money here! sorry I forgot to send this, the money is great for me here because 17 Pesos=1 USdollar. So I am rich here!!! Everything is so cheap in American money terms! Also, our area is HUGE, it used tobe onlyfor Elders, because it is as big as my county. SMC is myarea haha, sowe bike or take the bus everywhere for appointments!

hola todos!

I hope you are all doing well and enjoying the holiday season and snow if you are in my hometown!! AH! so lucky that there was snow there! This week was so great! Every week is so humbling because I keep realizing that there is so much that I still have to learn and do better at.

We have visited a lot of menos activos, (LA), and that is a big focus here. We have like 6 solid investigadores, besides elmer who was bautized sabado! (Sorry for my spanish now jaja). Wednesday, we went to go visit a new investigador, a young woman named Roxana and she is SO prepared! She is great, about 26 years old. She told us how she suffered a lot from her parents separation when she was younger..and it was very touching and and emotional visit. She needs the gospel, evangelio,though and has been searching for peace and answers!! I love her somuch! 

Thursday we had a zone conference I think?? Lol dont know still how everything works, in the mision, haha but there was like 100 people there maybe? They said it was 1/3 of the mision, so the others had the conference another day. Elder Packer, a general authority, from the 70, came and spoke to us ! (in spanish!) It was so great, and his wife too. They talked about the importance of the spirit, always obeying the mision rules, and how to teach with power. We had gone the night before to Centro,mendoza, to sleep with the mision nurse so that we didnt have to getup at 530 the next morning for the meeting! And there was 20 other sisters there!!!! SO many people in their appartment that night lol it was a fiesta, we ordered pizza and empanadas!!! SO good!! I LOVE EMPANADAS! We had a great sleepover haha but that night it was so hot, like an oven haha.

Friday we went to go teach more LA,menos activos, and another new investigador, but she needs to come to church. Also, 2 of our investigadors that want to be bautized have to get married..and it is hard for them to progress to actually do that, because their boyfriends dont want to get married..they have a lot of relationship problems. It is stressful kind of trying to help them. I just pray for them everyday and always bear my testimony of marriage even though I,ve never been married yet lol or in their shoes exaclty.

The bautismo sabado was so awesome! Elmer has already been teaching his neighbors apparently! He taught one of our new investigadores that infant baptism is not good, because christ did not teach it; little children are pure and have no sin, and told her she has to have faith and read the book of mormon and the bible!! He is already a misionary! So proud haha!we also did our chorus singing in the plaza, with like 15 other people, and it was good, but a lot of the people came after we had finished haha but we still got one new contact/reference! So success!

con amor,
Hermana chelsea Martines
1.this morning we had the mate! I liked it this time, it was a different flavor haha
2.bautismo!! elmer,his mom, and us
3.With a family's grandkids, haha the girls are all so cute
4.with hermana martinez , another hermana in the mission at the conferece!! shes from Uruguay
5. with hermana spencer, the companion of hermana serrano before me! she is so sweet
6.the viñas, vineyards here!
7. more mate, lol from a member
8. the sunset yesterday!!!


  1. Chelsea! You look so great! I have a friend here in Utah that is from Argentina. She has introduced me to mate. 😊 I'm trying to dry out a gourd to make my own cup. We'll so how it turns out!


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