
hola todos

this week, luis got baptised and it was the cutest thing i've ever experienced hah! it was so adorable, because luis cant walk very well, but so then they put a seat in the baptismal font and baptised him leaning the chair back. you could only see his head from they font then haha! He sent a message to us despues and said that 'thank you for helping me so much, i pray to heavenly father everyday for you hermanas'! He is always so happy and makes me so happy too! fa i am going to miss that guy so much after. The leader missional helped us a lot and a lot of members came too! I made banana bread too for the baptism, and for some reason everyone loves that here so much idk why ahah, so ive made it about 100 times so far in my mission?!

but this week we also left a bunch of investigadors, and found another less active family that really wants to return to the church! It is awesome. Also the economy is getting worse here , i ran out of money this week haha so that was a fun adventure of not have money for the buses, but today we got the money put on our cards! yaya for plata-pday. 

My compañera is worse still in her stomach problems! she doesnt feel well whenever she eats anything  and the mission presidents wife just tells her to keep eating healthy food like oatmeal and boiled or cooked vegeatables. but idk how to help her really because sometimes we have to wait in the apartment until she feels better to work.(There is an opposicion in all things)
we'll have to see if we have to go to a medical center this week, because sometimes I get really worried since she has been sick for a year like this.

ive been out now 10 month and 1 year for my compañera in the mission this week! Me and hermana martinez, it is crazy how fast the time is going by!!!! Ah! it makes me so sad haha. I love my mission and know that there is literally no other work in the world that I would rather be doing. I have learned how important the Savior is, and why we should love him, serve him, follow him, and obey him. I would just encourage every one of you to learn more of him and to study the scriptures everyday, because I know that by the small and little simple things we do in life, that they really cause great and bigger things to happen-.

Hermana Martines

the pictures will follow !


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