world cup!!!!!

hola todos,

this week one of the good things was that, well Argentina played in Mundial, which is the world cup, against Iceland, but they had a tie 1-1, but they play again thurday so we are praying that they will win hahaha! It was funny because here it is like a sacred holiday, so we studyied in the morning sat. because there was no one in the streets!

Aside from that, this week was one of the most difficult I think Ive had on my mission. my comp and I have not been able to find any new people to teach, and those that we have taught, have not progressed except 2. We dont really understand why, but all the people we tried contacting have continually attacked us or rejected us or said false lies about the church or joseph smith or the book of Mormon. Sometimes I really dont like being in the capital city, but Im sure the Lord wants us here both for a reason-. I think about the mission of the Savior often, whos mission was not to 'convince' or convert everyone to follow him, but to do the will of the Father and teach his doctrine, to suffer and die for us. But peejected him too but he didnt every get let down

Estefani is the best girl we are teaching. It was funny kind of Friday when we had a lesson with her and a brother in the church, it was just like a lesson from the District!!! (for those of you who have seen the district, missionaries) It was like Jynx and the 2 elders teaching her how to pray about the book of mormon, when she says that she is going to stay in her religion, and the elders tell her to pray and read especifically about the book of mormon! So we told estefani to do the same.

Nahuel, the athiest we are teaching, is a miracle because he is progressing super fast! He loves the book of mormon, praying , and 'practicing his faith' he says and has a friend who is a member! we are so happy for him! He told us he had a dream, which was the plan of salvation basically and told us he thinks it is from God! We were blown away at his progress and faith he has now!

Also last monday we lost our phopne haha, it was loco because my comp had to go to the hospital/doctor 2 times. After pday we rushed because her stomach is super bad. She is gluten free I think or has gastritis or both! I pray she gets better because its been like this her whole mission and can barely eat anything! 

I think that is it for the week, I will send picts in a minute!
Hermana Martines


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