Re: God is a God of tender miracles

Love it!
Thank you for the updates 

On Mon, Jun 25, 2018 at 12:36 PM Chelsea Anne Martines <> wrote:
one more foto from today :) my 'mini mi!'

On Mon, Jun 25, 2018 at 1:30 PM, Chelsea Anne Martines <> wrote:
hola todos

This week, after much 'tribulation and affliciones,' we were blessed a lot! I know that Heavenly Father listens to us and wants to make us grow in our faith through trials. We found a bunch of new people to teach who are actually really humble! but, the girl that was going to be baptised this saturday, is going to wait for this saturday I think. She said she didnt feel completly ready, so we are preparing her baptism this saturday. I have never prayed so hard in my life until now as we are praying for her!

The 'athiest' we are teaching, told us he prayed to know what path to take, but he didnt pray still ask if the Book of Mormon is true or if the church is true! ah haha patience..but we are going to help him. Also me and Hermana Martinez are working with a ton of Menos activos, inactive members, and the stake gave us a huge job to look for all of them that are being moved to another ward, yesterday they told us at church! so that is great more work for us yay!

We are also planing an activity coming up for the 9 de Julio, which is like the 4th of July here! and the members are really excited! they are beginning to trust us more I think. (the members here are like of 'cold,' because they all have a lot of money kinda) But, I think it is possible to change the area if you gain the trust and friendship of the members! that has been a big lesson for me here in this transfer. but, sometimes it is sad because some investigadores that are really humble, have said they didnt feel welcomes in the ward because the members all have more money than the investigadores. but we are trying to work on helping the people feel more comfortable.

Yesterday we taught a new investigador, and he wants to be baptised si o si! haha (like he wants it more than anythin) he is an alcoholic, and smokes a lot, and is separated, but said 'I have no problem being baptised, im going to church next sunday too'! haha he is a CAPO, great, and named Marcos MARTINEZ, haha the best name in the world!

I hope everyone has a great week, and serves someone who needs help this week. Yesterday we were able to help a homeless couple and gave them food and clothes we had extra in our apartment, and the joy I felt was the best thing I have ever I encourage everyone to do an act of service this week!

Hermana Chelsea Martines
ps. pray for the economy here hahaha, because Argentina is in kinda like a great depression, everything is super inflated, the money is worth almost nothing (the dollar is 28 pesos$ now!!)

1. argentina stadium, for the world cup
2 zone conference!
3 world cup package!
4. more zone conference

Catherine Mortensen
 c# 202-590-0184


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