Re: do not eat kidneys!

oh yeah one more for the theater

On Mon, May 21, 2018 at 5:42 PM, Chelsea Anne Martines <> wrote:
Hola todos,

yes I am here and alive haha. Sorry I didnt write a group email last week I was busy talking to my family,.! we got to skype too for mothers day! I love my mom very, very much. She is the reason I am who I am, and thanks to her I am here today on my mission! (along with my dad)
Some sad news, is that Elder holland got cancelled :( hes going to give a conference for the members but not for the missionaries now.

so recap maybe of the last 2 weeks, well a lot of our investigadores have had strange health problems happen ( the opposition, thanks to the adversary) soo like 5 of them we havent been able to see for 2 weeks haha, and one of them dropped us. (the elders say that we bring bad luck hahah)
Im worried about one of them because he is 86 yrs old, yeah, 86! and has to have a surgery  for his heart and its a 40% chance that he doesnt come out alive. We told him that maybe he shouldnt go then!..idk when he will be baptised then because he cant get out of bed sometimes..(maybe in heaven he will get the chance to acept his baptism) 

But on the bright side, we have had some great investigadores, one of them stopped us in the street to talk to us after we didnt see him for 2 weeks! and is super excited about the gospel! another asked us on saturday, the first day we met him, and asked if he could be baptised in the Mormon church!!!!!!??? We were like UH YES! haha hes super prepared!! super humble!! also, the couple that is going to get married is probs gonna be married in 3 weeks now! yay!

So my comp had her birthday! Yesterday! also her cumplemes on friday! which is birthday month in the mission haha. she has been out now a full 18 months!!! It was great yesterday, we had asado, and a ton of cake! Also, I tried some weird kidney from pigs I think, (hence the subject) and that did NOT fall well with was hard to eat but you gotta respect the people here!" also, I tried some blood sausage....and I felt gross after..because it was made of the pigs head and not eat that if you come here haha.

anyway I hope everyone has a great week, I love you all, and I love my Savior Jesus Christ, who has changed my life forever!
Hermana Martines

1-4 last pday, we went to El Dique!! beautiful but Super windy! its like a mountain/sand dune place
5. my comp, birthday yesterday :)
6-7 theater we went to today for pday! it was beautiful! like the Kennedy Center!


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