Re: Chao Hermana Tica!

the 'lake' here, its like the Lincoln memorial haha! 

On Mon, May 28, 2018 at 6:12 PM, Chelsea Anne Martines <> wrote:
1. me and hna Tica from the conference!
2. the zone today for asado, it was the best lunch ever!
3. walmart haha the futbol game and argentine flags!
4-5 the Investigadores from my OTHER AREA GOT ALL BAPTISED!!!! IM SO HAPPY I COULD CRY!! :')
6. the zone conference

On Mon, May 28, 2018 at 5:50 PM, Chelsea Anne Martines <> wrote:
Hola todos,

My compañera is going home this week! AH! its crazy, today we had to buy another duffle bag for her, and have to get her haircut, (mi too) and get rid of some of her clothes haha. Shes doing great though and super duper diligente!!!

For some reason lately we have just been struggling with the people we are teaching, the brother that is going to get married is going to have to wait 3 more weeks. But its going to come! The other investigador is going to get baptised the 15 of June we are hoping, but has to attend church but hes afraid to leave his sick mom home! ah..bueno. praying for him to have more faith. 

We had a miracle though yesterday, we found 2 new investigadores that are golden! One of them, a girl came without inviting! Her friend from another area told her to go to the mormon church, and she came! Shes perfect! And that night, a recent convert told us he has a friend to introduce us to! He is golden too, super interested in finding the true church and about what happens after life here! we are so grateful for these blessings. 

We had a zone conference this week! It was super great! But sad still that Elder holland cant come now :( I learned so much in the conference, about how to teach super clear, short, and focusing in the committments. also something that we do as a mission is meditate and pray about our investigadores for 30 minutes every morning, that has helped a lot the past couple months. Sometimes when I get stressed or just sad about the people we are teaching, when they dont progress, I think about what Heavenly Father thinks too. That he has tanto paciencia, and is filled with love and understanding. I sometimes just miss the temple and really wish I could go there to feel closer to the Lord! How lucky those of you are who are able to go to the temple.

This week was day of the Argentine independencia! 25 de Mayo! So we saw 1,000 flags everywhere haha it was awesome! I bought a flag myself :) also, the dollar is 24 pesos now here! its crazy haha, I feel bad for the people here..the economy is just terrible. but I love it here still and love teaching peoeple the restored gospel of Jesus Christ! what a blessing to be able to do this.

Hermana Martines
Pics will come


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