Re: feliz pascua!!

oh oopps hhaa here is my scripture case!!

On Mon, Apr 2, 2018 at 12:56 PM, Chelsea Anne Martines <> wrote:
hola todos,

Happy late Easter! I love easter and we had general conference to celebrate it this weekend! it was so great, the apóstoles talked to us about the resurrection a lot, and the atonement of Jesus Christ. I am so greatful for them and the new prophet Russell M Nelson!! Here in Argentina they dont really do anything for easter haha like the US, but they eat chocolate eggs and thats about it.

We had 6 investigadores attend the conference! it was a great day, and the members of the branch all went too! My favorite talk was by Elder Bendar, my fav apostol, about 'mansedumbre' which is in spanish I know haha, but I dont know how to translate it into inglish idk? (We watched the conference all in spanish) but it was bascially about humilty and becoming like the Savior. Also, I loved Massimo de Feo or something like that, his talk was so good! Also, Pres Nelsons talk, and Eyering and Pres oaks! (Well, I loved all of them tbh hahah) Something That really stood out to me is that Jesucristo litterally guides this church today ,and He LIVES! I just know that, he truly lives today and overcame death, all sickness, sadness, problems of the world and for each person, so that we can live again one day in a perfect place and have happiness in this life. I just love that

We had exchanges again this week, but the sisters came to our area both to work with us! but my trainer was with me again, but she just wanted to visit a lot the members and investigadores not go to the appointments that I had...sooo that was a little bit frustrating haha. Also, my compañera fell in her bike that day! and we had to go to medico the next day! The hospital here is FREE!!??! but, it is NOTHING compared to the ones in the US! haha! seriously, people you dont have any idea what america has until you have left america. The 'free hospitals' are like nothing haha, they dont have a front desk or people that take care of you right away, you have to wait until someone comes around when they feel like it. and the hospital is just old, old, old! Very different..the public gonverment paid hospital for ya here in Argentina haha. turns out that my comp. just injured her shoulder, like bruised it really bad, she couldnt move it very well, but it is a lot better now!

my most recent convert (besides myself haha), Hugo, has been having some problems with his work which makes me sad becuase his faith is down a little and his family is worried about money a lot right now. It just makes me so sad that as missionaries we cant give money to people (even personal money) when people need it, the only thing we can do it teach the gospel and pray for them. He was like 'I just dont understand why God has made me life like this after I followed what was right...all I need is a good job and I would like even a little money for a haircut and to be able to fix my car..' but it was so sad, so sad. But they came to the conference still which was super awesome!!

I hope you each have a great week!!
Hermana chelsea Martines
1. another FHE last week
2. ice cream with the district
3. easter bunnies my comp made :)
4. 6 MONTHS! last tuesday
5. my new scripture case I bought!!! AH! I LOVE IT SO MUCH
6&7 conference this weekend


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