one week left?

hola todos,

this week was good, becuase we had a lot more lessons with members and are finding more investifgadores! I might have just one week left here!! I dont know where I will go, or with what companion. But I hope I will adjust well haha.

Well, the investigador that came to church last week broke our heart because she said that she felt empty in the church and didnt like. so that really didnt make any sense but okay haha. It was super sad to hear her whole story. We are going one more time to teach her but then if she doesnt progress anymore and still feels 'empty,' we are going to drop her. I dont think shes really prepared now, maybe in the future
My companion has been better with her health ,we went to the hospital 2 times this week for her tests and everything is fine I guess?! it was strange. But, we have to massage her back they say for her blood flow. So we have an appt for a massage with a lady tonight! 

The other people we are teaching are doing well, but still we dont have a baptism because every one of the dates have fallen, the people we wanted to baptise dont have permision from the dad and the other one wants to wait for his nephew to be baptised. 

I dont have a lot of time left, but I just wanted to say that I love it here. Even though I have not had all the 'success' maybe other missionaries have had, and I have had good days and bad days, I never feel like I should not be here. I love serving my savior and hope every single one of you who read my emails, strive to have a relationship with him. He is the rock of my life and I know he Lives, and that Joseph Smith was a prophet., I am so grateful for him and the Book of Mormon that he translated. I know that he helps me in every moment of my life, and through all the change that I have experienced, I know that Christ will never change. I pray that each of you will find your testimonies of that, if you dont have one already. 

my favorite bible scripture says ' come unto me, all ye that are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart, and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy. and my burden is light'

Con amor a todos,
Hermana Chelsea Martines


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