hospital trip round 2 (3?)

hola todos,

so this week mi comañera fainted Saturday!! she fainted ON ME! INTO MY ARMS! haha soo that was crazy. We had lunch kinda far away in bikes, and we got back to the apartment and there was a funeral outside (remember we live above a funeral home?) and all the people were there waiting to go in, and it just so happed that one of our investigadores and less active members were there. We talked for like 3 minutes with them and my comp says 'hermana I dont feel so good' and went to sit down for a minute, and I said 'ok hermana we'll go sit in the apartment in a sec,' but then we started walking towards the stairs, and she leaned on the wall, and fainted right on top of me basically! into my arms! and I couldnt hold her because she is like 2X my size!!

AH! it was crazy, and she fell onto the ground kinda, I ran to get the people that we know come help becuase I was freaking out! We tried testing her pulse and it was super low apparently. so they called the police because the ambulance was busy, and 10 of them came ot help carry Hna Reyes into the car. My comp woke up just befor they took her to the car, but couldnt walk really well. I have never been so stressed in my life! but we got to the hosital and the put an IV in her and tested her blood and it turns out it was just from her pulse or pressure being down, like super down, they said it was at 10. The mision president came eventually to give a blessing and we got back to the apartment after 4 hours and my comp slept the rest of the evening! 

so Today we had to go to the hospital again at 6:30 for tests, but they didnt tell us to go to the labratory and we waited for an hour?! and so we missed the appt, because we went to the same emergency place. And they dont have a front desk or any people to attend to you, so I lost my patience for that place. I dont ike the hospitals here one bit haha they are nothing compared to the ones in the US. So tomorrow we have to go again for more tests, my poor companion :(

On another note, we had one invesitgador that came to church yesterday, we went to go pick her up and it was a miracle honestly because we have taught her for 2 months and she never has come to church. I was so grateful for that, because I feel like the Lord has really tested my faith and patience with the people here haha so it was good to feel like my prayers have been answered.

Also, this week we had exchanges again and we went to the city Mendoza. Let me tell you, the people there are VERY different haha! I was not used to it because literally no one was in the streets or home, everyone was working in office jobs all fancy stuff?! they were all more of the rich people haha. We have transfers in 2 weeks, so I think I might go to another area! It will be hard to not be with my comp, but I know I'll go visit her in El Salvador after the mish :) 

Hermana Chelsea Martines


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