city life = the good life

Hola todos,

Mi nueva compañera es Hermana Tica! Shes from Cusco, Peru! Shes finishing her mission this transfer!! in the mission we say 'shes dying, so Im the compañera that is going to kill her' but its just a joke! AH so we'll be together just one transfer haha, idk what will happen then after and what companera or if im going to train? Also, Ive been out 7 months now!! AH! the time is going by soo fast. In two weeks we are going to skype with our families for mother day!!!

We already had a baptism yesterday!? haha it was crazy ! I got to my compañera and she said that 'we are going to have a baptism this sunday so get ready to work!' and it happened , it was a 9 yr old boy se llama Nataniel. Hes super great, it was sweet at his baptism because he was crying because he felt the spirit so strong and said 'thank you mama for this opportunity'. 

my new Area, Libertador, is bacially the captial of this province San Juan. Its ALL RICH PEOPLE! haha the opposite of the other area. But, surprisingly the people are open and humble still! We found 12 new investigadores, but we have to put more baptismo dates. One of the investigadores we have is going to get married too this month so he can get baptised!! Im so happy, at last hah someone is going t oget married to get baptised (if you live with someone but not married, you have to get married to be baptised because its against a commandment to live together and not be married)

The ward here is as big as the branch in Lavalle, but the members work more with us. The lider misional is AWESOME, but he makes me laugh because he reminds so much me of Leslie and Tom from parks and rec, if you have seen that show. (basically he is a mision leader on steriods haha because of his engery, his excitement for the work is through the roof) its so funny! his name is Hermano Javier Chacon, in the other branch we didnt really have a lider misional.

I hope everyone has a great week! I love it here so much. Ive begun to understand how the work we are doing is literally bringing souls to Christ, and this kind of work changes you into a new person. THats why its not a mission for just '3 months' or even a year. Because one cannot be changed into a new person in that little bit of time, but this change happens over a long period of time, and it continues for the rest of your life. I would never trade anything for the opportunity that Ive had to be here.

Hermana Martines


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