I biked a half marathlon...

Hola todos,

so saturday I did a 'half marathlon' on our bikes, yeah I almost died! it was like 25 kilométricos. my legs are still super dead and it hurts to walk haha. We went to an area SUPER far away, like 2 hours away to contact someone! and we didn´t know the schedule of the buses there! ugh I really died that day haha, we were a little lost, but found the address, but THEY WERE NOT HOME! sooo to still use up the oportunity of being there and not waste time, we found some new investigadores. I was pooped though. Its a miracle that Im alive haha, my arms, hands, face and feet are all tanned a lot more now haha. it took up the whole afternoon sat. 

I also have gastritis now...which means that my stomach has been inflammed, and I didn´t really realize it lol until last week, because I felt like a fire in my stomach and throat. I felt like throwing up but I couldnt!? So the mision presidents wife gave me some medicine which has helped a lot this past week! I have a special diet now haha (so i can´t eat bascially most of the food here) so no fried food, no sugar, no spicy food (im depressed about that) and no juice, or facturas. All the members are now just giving me rice and cheese and noodles haha and my compañera as well.

yesterday was stake conference, so it was great to meet everyone there! and the mision president and his wife spoke!! it was so good to see them, I love them so much! I really feel like they're my 'second parents' haha. So one of our investigadores that we found 3 weeks ago is an alcoholic, but he has a lot of desires to change. Hes so humble and has 5 kids, from ages 6-20! we are trying to help him overcome his addiciones, but one time we found him drunk outside and left and came back another day..but, he is trying! and he says that 'you girls are blessings and sent from God I know it!' hes also not married (typical argentina) soo Idk when he will get baptised.

our investigador that was going to be baptized this saturday now cant! because he wants to do with with his nephew, but the nephews father doesn´t want to put a date, because hes less active, and doesnt really care about baptism. So its hard, but we are going to work for the 7th of april!! with our other investigador tambien that day! We are also activating a less active family, and had a great visit with them it was amazing last week!! they parents have great desires to come back and get their kids ready for misions!!

So my comp scared me this week haha when she said 'theres a snake!', and I didnt understand where!? but so she was saying that a group of guys that passed by and talked to us were 'snakes,' haha in the mision when guys are 'interested' in the gospel, but really are just interested in the girls..so that was funny haha. They also made me senior companion?! and Im kind of confused because i dont feel like I should be haha! but my comp is super great and humble, so we get along just great.

Hermana Martines


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