Hola todos,

this week it was starting to get cold?! and I am not really used to it all the time now haha but, it is better than dying of heat haha! Also, my compañera dyed my hair!! haha she wanted to because I told her that I wanted to go back to darker brown, and she did pretty well so that was an adventure haha. she tells me that I look more like a latina now haha. my compañera completed UN AÑO el a mision!! shes been out for a year now! ah! and I've been out 6 months now, officially tomorrow! que loco, the time goes by like that ( insert finger snap) Also, the Argentine Peso has gone up in inflation, soo that is a real bummer. Everything here is more expensive, because the president did something idk what exaclty beause we cant watch news haha. But that means the US dollar is worth even more!! (good for me)

we have been working with more less actives, because there are like 250 inactive members here because muchos were baptized when a lot of gringos came, and did it 'just for the elders,'...soo that is disapointing a little. But one of the families we are activing is doing really better! We have another familiy home evening tomorrow with them , and trying to help them go to general conference next week!! The other investigadors a still not really attending church and it just makes me so sad and depressed sometimes that after trying so hard to help them and see them not grow and progress. But I guess I have learned a lot more patience and faith which is the good result! I also try to remember that when youre doing the Lords work, that there are going to be challenges and opposition always, because Satan knows the good that you are doing. I feel like sometimes that I am a 'planter' here haha planting seeds in the people becuase maybe a lot of people arent ready for the gospel but maybe in a couple years they will be!

my stomach has been a lot better too! So that helps, even though I still have kept the diet that my mision president's wife gave me and taking the medicine. This week they also had the anniversary of the Relief Society, and another activity for the young women called New beginnings, and it made me trunky kinda hahah becuase I remembered my days when I was in young womens! (trunky is the term for misionaries when they are homesick haha), also the cold weather made me trunky haha because I love fall in my home.

We found one really golden family this week, and they are just so humble so we are super excited! they were former investigadors years ago, well the father was, and we found his family and they are golden! They prayed, and are committing to comming to church (general conference) this weekend! Im super pumped to hear from our new prophet too! President Nelson! and hear from 2 other new apostles!

I hope you all have a great week!!
Hermana chelsea martines

1. un año el la mision!
3. la family home evening with some members and investigadores
4. the anniversary of the RS!
5. new beginnings :)


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