El Salvador nos conoce y nos ama :)

Hola todos,

I hope you are doing well! This upcoming week is transfers again, soo I don´t know what is going to happen. I have been in my (first) area for 4 1/2 months now, I could stay another 6 weeks or go. We will see next week what happens! Also the climate is changing a little finally! it is almost FALL!!!! I AM SO HAPPY! I missed cold weather so much because I haven´t had it over a year, winter!!!!! YAY!

This last week was kinda hard for a could reasons. Me and my companion had all of our appointments fall, from thurday on in the week, and nobody wanted to listen to us or open their door or let us in. It is dificult to see the reason for trials sometimes when you feel like you are doing your best! But the Lord always is there and answers in his time. So Sunday, we went early in the morning far away to pick up an investigador, but she wasnt there..very sad. But, we had fast sunday, so we were fasting for the people to come to church. But our hope was a little dim from the past few days. But, one of our investigadores came that we though wounldnt come!! it was a tender mercy, I was really humbled. We are working with him more now for baptism! Also, we have another investigador who had attended church 3 times, we hadnt taught him though haha! His sisters are members, so we finally taught him (we didnt have time to go to his house because he lives super far and works all day) and he wants to be baptised!! so we are working on the 24th to be his date!

I completed 5 months officially last tuesday! So I will complete 6 this month! so crazy! Something that I have learned a lot in the last 2 months is how important it is to listen to people and really do all you can to help them, and make sacrifices as the Savior would. I have learned how important la obediencia is, and I am trying to help my companion with obedience a little, with just waking up on time, and exercising, and going to bed on time. Even though she is 26, 7 years older than me, she is really humble and i love her so much! 

Me and hna reyes are learning so much together and I really hope to stay another traslado with her, she is really an amazing blessing and miracle in my life..I can´t explain it! We bore our testimonies sunday, and it was a great day. I love hearing from the members. The key here is to just get the less active ones to keep coming to church and reading the scriptures!

Bueno creo que es todo por esta semana!
Con amor a todos!
Hermana Martines


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