
oh yeah, thank you all for the christmas cards I got!! haha, 2 months later! lol there is a reason it is called snail mail! Also, the mision has a exercise competition now! So we are having to write down every exercise we do, and the minutes of running too. The reward is to watch Star wars!!! (In first place, second place is just ice cream haha which we can do any day) SO WE ARE GOING TO WIN! I already decided that. I am so PUMPED!

On Mon, Feb 12, 2018 at 2:40 PM, Chelsea Anne Martines <> wrote:
Hola Todos,

This week we found 11 new investigators! it was awesome, but, many are not really progressing or attending is frustrating. and still a lot of the new investigators are..wait for it: not married. YEP! Everyone here lives with their spouse but isn´t married and it is crazy. I dont know why. Only 1 woman we found was married this week, and I was surpised! But, we might have a bautismo this saturday. A little girl, Joana, who has wanted to be bautised for a month but hasnt got permision, but we are going to work with her mom this week!

Me and Hna Reyes were sick this weekend, Me yesterday, and she was sick saturday. I think it was from food we ate honestly...from a lunch we had with an investigador,, they fed us homade noodles. But it made my stomach horrible the whole day after! I felt awful. My bike also broke, the tire, and the inside tire part too, like 3 more times this week! It was crazy! I was so frustrated! We couldt go to some appointments because of that. but such is the mision sometimes!

We are going to more and MORE areas! Seriously, my area is the BIGGEST Province Mendoza I think, it is just soooo huge. Like as big as the whole Salt Lake Valley, or all of St marys county. it goes for like 150 Kilometers maybe all around. Im not kidding. There is so much work to do! so much pressure! So many people to contact and teach!!!

funny thing that happened this week: My companion had to go to the bathroom while we were at a members house out in the fields, and they don´t have normal bathrooms there...just old, old, port o potties! but she didnt know I forgot to tell her!! so she asked to go, and they were like uh...well we have the outhouse if you want? So she went out and was like uh! okay! and I had to hold the door for her and block her haha it was a funny adventure. I couldnt help but laugh  a little!

sorry thats about it this week! But I am loving it here, and couñlt imagine my life without the mision. The members are like my family, because when I miss my family or home, they are always there for me and make me feel like Im not so far from home!

Hermana Martines
 OH YEAH WE GOT AIR CONDITIONG!! (THE FIRST PIC IS US HUGGING THE AIRE CONDICIONING!) IT IS AMAZING, but this week it was getting cold a little??! like 21 degrees celularios! which idk in farenhiet, maybe like 60 degrees?

2. the bikes
3. my bike broke when we were out 3 miles from the main city :((
4. in the bus today
5/6 we fell asleep while studing hahah (feasting and soaking up the scritures there)


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