Re: stomach virus for cuatro diaasss....

oh yeah, our district foto!! the elders are the best (the only problem is they always arrive late to the district meeting, (sigh) typical elders)

On Mon, Feb 26, 2018 at 5:58 PM, Chelsea Anne Martines <> wrote:
hola todos 

So today we went to a members house for pday and had churros and mate! it was so fun! i love her and her family so much, they are amazing! my favorite people ever! Her name is Anai Rojas Perez, and she is buildling her own second house?! she is incredible, literally building her house (there will be a foto of this palce)

this week as the heading states, I got a stomach virus for 4 and my companion were awfully sick from last monday to fridayish, and it was from Peruvian food we ate! it was sorry to those who like arroz choclo, some dish from Peru, but it gave me a stomach virus and it finally is gone! it was horrible. also the water here apparently has some percentage of arsenic, so the filter we have isn´t that great...the water has apparently had an effect on my body the people have told me here?! im like 95% sure that I am fine and safe haha health wise maybe idk

Something that I am learning here is patience in the Lords timing haha because it is frustrating, so frustrating, when people dont keep their committments. I just feel like throwing in the towel almost sometimes when people that say they are going to keept a committment, and after many times, they dont. But some of the investigadores (people that we teach btw) do progress, and keep committments, or at least they try their best. One thing that is hard here is the bus system, that people have to use here to get to church, is hard on Sundays because the people often dont have money to pay to get to the chapel and it is sad. 

Also, something interesting here is that people think that our church is 'from the united states,' and think its wierd we are here in Argentina haha. Also is it rare that someone knows how to drive here, so when people have asked me if I know how to drive and I say yes, they're like'ohh my gosh woah..lucky..or they say how scary haha!

This week we did find 2 more golden investigadores though that really made the week! they are awesome and we found one of them in a far away area, like 30 minutes in bikes from the main town. it has been a fun adventure going out to more new areas! It is always the best with Hermana Reyes!

I have learned even so much more this week about the way the Lord works. I love studying everyday and just am so grateful that I am here...I cannot imagine my life without having served a mision and the time is going so fast! I will finish 5 months tomorrow!! I have grown so much in my knowledge of the Savior and testify that through Him and His gospel all problems that we have, can be solved. Through him we can find peace like nothing else and joy like the world cannot give.

Hermana Martines
1. Lavalle sign!
2. a parrot in a members house haha
3. churros and mate this morning, in the house they are buildling!


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