Re: I ate cows tongue! Plus my bike broke 4 more times :/

oh yeah, one more: Asado!!! (its like Steak, but WAY better!!!! idk how they make is so good)

On Mon, Feb 19, 2018 at 4:52 PM, Chelsea Anne Martines <> wrote:
1. the aquarium
2. loca foto!
3/4 the aquarium
5 valentines day from my sweet companion!! (ps my hair was longer then, I got a 'trim', but they cut like 3 inches off :/)
6. Maryland sign!! (almost)
7. I got sunburned the other week :/
8. This is 'St Mary's' in spanish haha a neighborhood in my area!

On Mon, Feb 19, 2018 at 4:40 PM, Chelsea Anne Martines <> wrote:
Hola todos,

this week was filled with a lot of experiences, both good and bad haha. So yeah, first i will explain the subject: we went to the member we always eat lunch with on Friday, and they had 'tacos,' but it was cows tongue meat! and they didnt tell me till after haha so then i got sick to my stomach again that day haha, but its okay. Another food that I love here is facturas! And Milanesa, which is like a giant chicken nugget lol that everyone always has for lunch.

So last pday we went to the acuariam here! It was so little! lol but cute and fun. My camera died so my companion had the fotos, i will get them from here in a minute lol. It was so fun! me and Hna Reyes get along like 2 peas in a pod. Everyday is an amazing adventure with her and I will miss her soooooooooooo much after the mish! I will go and visit her if I can in El Salvador! (ps I love that El Salvador means The Savior in English)

We have been experimenting a lot of new areas, even more this week! BUT the problem has still been my bike! I dont know why I have a cursed bike or something! but the tire , it turns out, is too big, not the right size. so frustrating!!!!! because I already got a new tire 2 weeks ago, but we took it to the bici shop again today so I am praying it will be okay now. So when we were going out to some appointments, it disinflated and I had to walk my bike back to the city. for Like an hour of walkting my bike. so frustrating. But my companion has been always so cheerful and helpful through those times haha! 

We had exchanges this week and my trainer came back with me!!!! So fun! we had Asado, which is the best food here! (I had it like 4 times this week, blessing). With all our new invesitgadores, which is like 23 maybe now, only a few a progressing. It is hard because I want t them to come to church sooo bad, and to read the folletos, and the book of mormon, but just a few a progressing, like 5. The Lord always teaches his servants patience haha and answers prayers in his timing. 

Another really sad thing is that one of the less active sisters, has breast cancer and this past week was robbed of was tragic.. the pictures of her tiny, humble, poor house..completely destroyed. She lives in a dangerous part of my area anywany, but the pictures...were just horrifying and now she is back in the hospital. Her kids dont have stuff for school now, or clothes or food. and she doesnt have a husband. I wish we as missionaries could do more for her but we cant, so we are trying to find old sister missionary clothing for her, and choes for her kids. We are going to make her family a meal one day this week too. 

bueno, I think that is all! Love you all, and I love my Savior. He is real as the aire we breath, the words on this page you read. I have never loved Him so much in my whole life and want to serve Him forever.
Hermana Martines


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