
Hola todos!

Como están?! Perdón por no enviar un group email la otra semana! so last pday, we went to a place 2 hours away! Very far! so we couldnt email for very long because we had to take a bus pretty early and we went with a member and our zone! It was called Potrellios, very beautiful!!!! fue hermosa, muy bonita! We went with our zone, everyone except the zone leader haha becuase he had other plans.

Yesterday was transfers, traslados, so we have pday today!! It means that I got a new companion, because my comp Hna serrano went to another area (still close by in mendoza the city haha), she is now my sister training leader! lol I am still going to see her a lot so its great! My new companion is Hermana Reyes, de El Salvador! Another Latina! I think I am going to have a lot in the mision haha. She is already so amazing and so fun! Lavalle is going to be great with the two of us!

We had an amazing week, a miracle last week!!!!! One of the former investigadores, Hugo, was bautizied!!! fue bautizado!! Fue genial! He had always been very hard, prideful, and closed up to the gospel. But his wife an children are members, so he was the only one. For 4 YEARS he has been listening to the misionarios but he didnt believe or care about anything. but 2 weeks ago we went to his house, we didnt know why but we felt we should visit him, and when we went, he said ´I have been waiting for you sisters to come! I wanted to talk to you´. 

We taught lesson 1, the restauración, and focused on prayer and Joseph Smith. Thats when he started to just cry, and cried for like 15 minutes..it was so intense, the spirit during that lesson! He told us how he had prayed for the first time that day in his life, and felt that the answer would come..and it did that night! he recieved a testimony that day he said of everything..that it was all true! Then presidente panzacchi told us the next week to invite him to be bautized the next week, for the 27, saturday! when we had interviews! so we did, even though we were afraid a little of what he would say because he never wanted to be bautised. But he said yes he wanted to, but was bautised friday!! the day before actually! it was truly a miracle to see his change, I felt so honored to be one of the missionaries that was apart of this change for him, he really is a brandnew man.

We also had zone conference last week, and it was amazing! it is when everyone in the province mendoza gets together and we hear from the mision presidente an his wife,. an the assitants to the presidente also. I love everyone here. It really is like a little piece of heaven on Earth, I have literally never learned so much in my life. The gift of tongues is very real too, the gift that God gives to his misioneros to speak a different language. My spanish has gone up like 80% and I understand and can speak Castellano ( the spanish here) pretty well now. It is weird to think in English honsetly jaja! I have never been better!!! I am sooo happy here and just felt the best I have in my life. I have learned to cope with a lot, a lot of things, an grow from trials, and find things to be grateful for everyday. I am learned what is really important in life as well. I love it! I really dont want to ever leave haha!

con amor,
Hermana Chelsea Martines
Pictutres will come!


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