Re: Almost done with training!!

the first one and 3 one is from the water slide, and second is when we had tacos and salsa!!!I miss spicy food!!! and last one is from a nieghbordhood that had a cinderella carriage!!! haha I wanted to ride in it:)

On Mon, Jan 15, 2018 at 10:51 AM, Chelsea Anne Martines <> wrote:
hola todos,

Well first I want to say how much I LOVE Argentina, this place is truly heaven to me and I love the town Im in. I just never want to leave. (sorry to those who wanted me come back) chiste, jaja! I am so grateful to be here, I am constantly humbled, all the time! I have never learned so much spiritually, emotionally, and mentally in my life before. I feel so different about a lot of things and am changing so much..the power of Jesus Christ is real.

This week we didn´t have electricity again for like 5 days! lol, it is sketchy here haha I dont know why. We paid but apparently a cable broke, so a brother in the branch came and fixed it!! YAY! It was soo hot, so it was hard to sleep at night but its okay haha. Such is the life in the mision sometimes. I got sick kind of from the heat though Wednesday, so I slept for like 4 hours to cool down my fever that I had. I felt like I was burning up, cooking! when it gets so hot, I just get headaches from the sun sometimes. I also have got a cold now haha so I sneeze way more than usual now! haha for those of your who know me pretty well, I sneeze like 20 times a day usually, so now is like 30+ idk. The summers here in Lavalle, Agentina are NO bueno! muy malo, its horrible! But I still love it here!

We have found a lot more investigadores this week! like 5! We are also going to have another baptism, for the sister of Elmer who is 10!! But , we have to teach her a lot still, so it wont be until like 2 weeks from now maybe. She has so much faith though! she is reading the Book of Mormon EVERY day! She believes in it so strongly it is amazing! the children here always amaze me sooo much, I am shocked.

We had exchanges 2 weeks ago, and I stayed here!! with hna Olson, and it was so great! I didnt get lost!! haha , my area is so big so it is easy to get lost (for me at least lol). we found a new investigadore who is golden that day, and another the day after!! Working with the members is so great too, they help so much! My trainer has been so awesome too, I love her so much. I´m just so thankful for all her help. She is the best teacher and takes the work seriously, and works hard! it is a blessing to have a comp like her. Im going to miss her soo much when she leaves..:(

Last p-day we did a slip n slide with some hermanas!! it was so fun, and today we are going to a big park in Mendoza, parque central, and then to this giant store like Ikea here! 
Yesterday I also gave my first talk here in the church, and it went pretty well! some of my favorite quotes that I have found recently are;
´A man filled with the love of God, is not content with just blessing his family alone, but ranges through the whole world, anxious to bless the whole human race´-Joseph smith
´true doctrine, understood, changes attitude and behaviour. The study of the doctrine of the gospel will improve behavious quicker than the study of behavious will improve behaviour´- boyd k Packer

Hermana martines


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