Feliz año!!- many many changes!!

hola todos,

sorry!!! I havent been able to write a group email out the last few weeks or so!! Last week, it was new years!! so all the internet cafes were closed, so we went to a hotel where a memeber owns it and I couldnt email for the normal time that I have haha. But don´t worry about me ever haha. I am doing well!

so some of the changes that have happened are that our schedules changed!! We are working now until 10 pm every day starting this week!! It is crazy, so we get less sleep haha but we also leave in the morning to at likt 930 to do citas but then we go back after lunch to finish studies. the mision president likes a lot of changes hah! We also can wake up at 630 to have more time to do things the morning, it is a new option apparently. Also, the last week we didnt have electricity!! it was crazy!! We didnt pay the bill because it was 2,000 pesos and we ran out of money that week,,. lol mision problems. But, so when we got money we paid and so now we have electricity!! I am so grateful for electricity like I never knew before!!!

Christmas and New years was very good, it was so fun! Ill try to attach videos and pictures. We had a great fiesta of the mision! and they did a performance of the mision chior! it was so great! We went to a members house for dinner Christmas eve, and same with new years. They members are amazing  here! all the people amaze me at there strength and kindess and their humilty. 

We are working with a lot of members and new investigadores now! it is a blessing and God always answers prayers. I have learned that so much. This gospel is so true and I am so grateful to be able to have it and share it with others. sorry I have little time today again, I promise I will send a better letter next week, when I have more time! 

Also I completed 3 months in the Mission!!!! AH! 
1.last week, starbucks gave me a new name hah!
2. 3 months!
3. hna wyman at the christmas party!
hermana Martines


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