Re: ¡2 Months in the misión!

and the dog was just funnyhaha, at a members house! sorry here is a picture with the 2 girls

On Mon, Dec 4, 2017 at 11:09 AM, Chelsea Anne Martines <> wrote:
also my address is Cabildo Abierto 161
5501 Godoy Cruz
the picture with the 2 little girls,is from a family in the ward! The others are with hermana olson and the guy that fixed the water heater, lol and then with hermana serrano! Abd the 2 month gift they gaveme!!

On Mon, Dec 4, 2017 at 10:52 AM, Chelsea Anne Martines <> wrote:
Hola todos,

how are you all doing?! I love you all!!This week was pretty good, I hit my 2 month mark in the misión! WAHOO!YAY! Crazy!jaja.Sometimes the time feels like forever, other times, it feels like it has been hardly any time at all. So last pday, we went to centro, Mendoza the city, jaja we do everytime because it is better than just being in our area Lavalle, and we went shopping!! Just going to all the stores, and we got churros and chocolate!! SO GOOD! 

Tuesday we did exchanges! Intercambios!! It was so fun, haha I went to centro again, Mendoza city, with Hermana Olson. She is from a small town in Utah, she is super nice!! But it was funny kind of because we counldnt actually do any appointments or teaching because her appartment had some problems with the water heater, so a guy had to come and fix it and replace a new one and it took 5 HOURS! So the whole day was waiting for him lol but he was super nice,he is a member and we just talked about his mission, he served in Buenos Aires, and howour missions are going. It was soweird to be in a real city that day! I spent the night there and the next day in the afternoon we changed back to our companions. At lunch though before, it was funny, the member we went to for lunch asked me how our president was doing, etc. She was like 'do you like trump better?' and asking all these politcal questions, i was so surprised haha! so I was like, well, yes, she asked If I liked him better thanObama,and I said yes, and she was like, oh yeah me too! I was actually really surprised?! A lot of peoeple from here have told me they dont like him jaja.

This week, it has been raining so so much?!! It is crazy!! The first time here, it never rains they say! SO weird! it has been actually kind of cold! Also, I have my first baptism this week!!! SATURDAY! With Elmer the 14 yr old boy!! I am so pumped, he is manso! hahah, manso is a word they say here that means awesome or something.He isso strong, it is incredible. He works for his sisters and mother, in the fields everyday, picking and harvesting and planting crops. 
We got 4 new investigators recently too, it is awesome!! The Lord is so merciful and always blesses us. I am so grateful. Also, we are doing a chorus this saturday, in the plaza here in Lavalle, singing Christmas songs!!It is so exciting,I loveee Navidad!!! With the members, and investigators, to Light the Lord, 'ilumina el mundo!' it was funny yesterday, when we were practicing, at the church, all the members dont really know how to sing, or listen to a note and sing the note, so they were all off key and out of tune...haha when I was playing piano.So they asked me to help them and conduct lol, but I dont know really how, let alone conduct in Spanish and teach music/singing terms in Spanish, but tried haha and they sounded better. THey just have never had a pianist before so they dont know the tune really of a lot of songs haha!

Also, we bought Yerba,lol the stuff for mate ,the drink here that everyone has.We are allowed to have it, but only on monday,pday haha. my companion said I have to try it because it is a different flavor! Oh yeah, after intercambios (exchanges) I came back to find that Hermana Serrano and hermana Nerez,the other hermana that stayed with my companion, left a cute surprise for me! They wrote me cute little notes and gave me candy for my 2month birthday mark in the mission! hahah I am '2 months old' as a missionary they say haha. Hermana Serrano, mi compañera, is 23! she is 4 years older than me haha so it is different, but Ilove her and have learned so so much from her. She has 10 months in the mission now, and teaches me so much all the time.

My favorite quote this week is 'the driving force of a consecrated missionary is their love for the Savior, and his atonement...When a missionary knows the Saviors doctrine, truly, they never want to do anything else but teach it..'- from Elder Ballard

Con Amor,
Hermana Chelsea Martines
pictures will come!


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