1 week till Navid!!!!

Hola todos,

¿Cómo están este semana? Espero que tengan un buen semana!! This week, well, it was good, but we honestly didn´t teach that much as we have in the past, but we have high goals for this week! We had exchanges, and we also had a open house for the chapel! (The church building), called capilla abierta! It also was SSOOOO hot this week!! I almost died! me and Hna Serrano were dying haha, I am glad we lived!!!

We went to visit one of the investigadores again that needs to get married, Joana, tuesday and her and Juanjo, her boyfriend, still are not really progressing...it is frustrating kind of haha becuase they have known the truth for a long time but still just put off the wedding because of material things, like money, and all the decorations that they want I guess. Wednesday we went did intercambios, exchanges again!! It was so fun, this time with Hna Neres, my sister training leader. She is SO sweet, she is the best, I love her sooo much, she is from Brazil! But she goes home next month aaahh!! We did a service project, helping a lady from the  church with her house, painting and sanding down her walls because she is moving. It was really fun we were with some elders too haha! We also contacted a lot of people later that day, but we walked soooo much, my legs were hurting so bad at the end of th eday haha. It was so different to be in the city all day contacting people, compared to my area haha!

Thursday we had a branch dinner, the church in my area, they did a 'end of the year dinner', and it started at supposedly 8, but nobody came until 8;30, or closer to 9 haha becuase of the later culture life here. And the members were all there until like 1 or 2 am!! but we had to leave at 10, because we couldnt stay that late haha. The late night culture here is si different!! haha they were all dancing too, it was so funny, the members are great.

Friday, my feet got blisters and some of my shoes cut into my heel, so my skin was just peeling off terribly. So we went to the pension, appartment, to fix my feet lol, and my companion put this New Skin stuff on my feet, and it stung Horribly! like Alcohol! It was worse though!! So we had to take a little break until I could walk again, in different shoes. 

Saturday we went to the Capilla Abierta, open house for the church!! It was a total different area, called Uspallata! (Oos-pas-zhat-a), over 2 hours away!! We got permision to leave our area, and it was soooo beautiful there!!! Literally in the Andes mountains, Chile was on the other side of the town!!!! Ohhh my gossh, it was soo beautiful, that little town, I loved it, the drive there too! A senior couple misisonaries came aand picked us up, it was very nice. So all day we were there helping the branch out!

Thats about it this week, I am so excited for next week! We are going to change apartments soon too, so I am excited! The next one is so nice, it has a balcony, and the bathroom isn´t broken!! (ours right now is broken, only the cold water works in the shower and the sink leaks!)

Con amor a todos,
Hermana Chelsea Martines
Pictures will come!


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