hola todos,

Oh my gosh I´m in Argentina!! I can´t even explain everything that has happened this last week or so..it has been so much! So we left last Monday in the morning from the MTC and it took 2 DAYS to get here! The flight was like 14 hours long, from Salt Lake to Altanta, then to Buenos Aires, then to Mendoza. I was exhausted and so tired and gross after all that travel haha.

So my area is called Lavalle (La va shay). It is an hour and 20 minutes from Medoza, the main city here. My companion is Hermana Serrano, she is from Buenos Aires and doesn´t speak English jaja but it has been okay and I have learned already so much from her. But so here is a list of all the things different here in Argentina, well Lavalle specifially too:
-the people speak so fast and slur everything so I can catch like 30-40% of what everyone says to me
-The food here is AMAZING though!!! I didn´t know food could taste this good!! All the pasta, meat, and bread and potatoes!!ç
-There are a million dogs here everywhere in the streets, just wild dogs everywhere
-I can´t count the amount of times that people have asked me if I am latina, why I don´t know spanish already, why my family doesn´t speak it, about my grandpa being hispanic, etc. they say, Oh your last name is Martines so..what? jaja, EVERYTIME I have to explain how my family didn´t grow up speaking spanish!
-a lady in the church washes our clothes, except for white, because she has a washer and we don´t! very kind of her. The other clothes we have we wash in the sink and air drink on our drying rack.
-Air conditioning, dishwashers, dryers, and many other things dont exisit here...it is completely different than America. I never knew how good I had it
-The people are extremely friendly!!! They will talk forever too, haha it takes a long time for each appointment
-can´t drink water here from the sink, old the filter.
-our shower doesn´t have a curtain haha, it is old and all tile. The sink is broken too and we have a bindé haha! Like in europe but we can´t and don´t use them haha!
-the little children are SOO CUTE! They make me smile the most and I want to hug them all the time. One of the girls gave me a welcome drawing yesterday in Church and it made me so happy and feel better.
-also we live above a morge/funeral home..lol the first time I heard that I freaked out, I didn´t know that the frst 2 days. But It is okay now haha.
-The houses are extremely small, old and everything here is really not clean..haha everything is dirty. The cars are super old or maybe from like 15 years ago. I feel like I am in the 50s or 60s sometimes haha.
-the branch (congregation of the church here) is smallish, maybe like 80-100 people? But they are all so nice and it is good to be with them

Our apartment is considered very nice here..but in the US it would be super ghetto and old haha. We have a fan though which is a blessing!!! It is sooo hot here already! We are going into summer, because the season are opposite. I can´t imagin how I will survive December-February, haha it will be like a oven. We walk everywhere, but we have nice new bikes which is a blessing, for some areas where we have to go many miles away! The roads are all dirt, or tile/brick. So my feet get very dirty everyday haha and shoes from all the dirt and rocks and things. etc. 

Yesterday was a good day. We went to church in the chapel which had fans and was very nice!! It is new haha. The relief society predsident had us over for lunch, because they feed the missionaries lunch not dinner here since the hispanic culture is to have large lunch not dinner. A lady who has a car, an auto they call it, drove us tho which was nice because it was far! The home though of the family...was oh my gosh, everyone, was amazing...it was maybe 20 feetx 20 feet. made of old dried mud walls. Their roof was sticks pushed together with a tarp. holes in the walls. Tiny tiny rooms, only 3 maybe. The kitchen and 2 bedrooms. Very old door, broken old window, tiny stove and counter. But they were the happiest and cutest family I have every met in my life. THey were so so kind and they fed us delicous food!!

That is all for now, I am learning so much and my spanish has has to grow a lot!! I am understanding little by little everytime we talk with someone. It is very hard still but I know I am blessed and that Christ will help me, being patient and relying on the Lord. I have prayed so much this week for His help. I hope everyone is grateful for what they have with thanksgiving coming up..I know I am. This place has taught me already in the first week how good I had it back home. It is weird to think I am going to live her for the next 16 or so months now.

Pictures too!
hermana Martines

1. last picture in the USA in the airport
2. last plane going to Mendoza tuesday! 3. the mision presidents beautiful home
4. the view from the front of our apartment (pension)
5. Kitchen of the pension
6. yo y Hermana Serrano!
7. the dogs in the streets sleeping




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