hola Todos,

Happy Late Thanksgiving!! This week was great, I learned so much more!! I am learning that really an attitude of gratitude is what makes any experience great! I love it. Sometimes it takes sacrifices, really hard work, and getting out of our comfort zone to accomplish something big or different. I hope everyone had a great thanksgiving and enjoyed time with your families or friends!!

tuesday, we went to the Martinez family for lunch! haha they are like my long lost familia they say. So they asked me what my first name was, Chelsea, and when I told them, they thought it was so cute haha?! They were like oh how bonita! Then they asked if I had a nickname, and I said, well, some people call me Chels, like close friends or family. And they were like oh haha so pretty! Haha it was funny to hear them try to say my name with a spanish acent. But then after I hear them say my name, my mind went to English!? so Then I accidentý started speaking in English!! jajajaja! it was so funny!

Also here are a couple more updates about how the culture is different here;
-in the afternoon, everyone takes siestas! Naps haha! so litterally ALL the streets (calles) are empty as a ghost town! It is hard to work then because none of our appointments really happen from like 130-400 Even the dogs here all take siestas haha!
-every house has a gate infront, so we clap to knock on the doors haha it is cool! Every time at a house we clap like 5ish times to get their attnetion to come outside
-everyone drinks mate!! it is this weird gross drink here to me, haha it kinda really looks like drugs...like in all honestly haha it is funny that members of the church siempre toman mate, y they ask us to drink it, but as missionaries here we cant. But I tried it in the MTC (CCM) so I know I don´t like it!! THey all pass it around, all drinking out of the same straw/cup
-during verano, summer, here we wear pants!!! I didn´t really know we would have t o do that but because of the mosquitos and heat pants are better for us! jajaj so we are 'elderas' lolç
-my feet and arms have got soo tan and sunburt sometimes haha becuase of the sun here. it is so strong everyday I just get darker! It crazy haha, blessings of the mision?!
-when everyone says that Argentines are obsessed with Futbol, soccer, they are RIGHT! EVERYONE loves MESSI! hahah it reminds of back home with my family and friends. durring my frist lesson I forgot to say, that in investigator said that she struggles with the 1st commandment; to not have other Gods before God, the father, because she though of messi kind of like an idol/god!
- I am teaching my compnaion piano!! ahah it is awesome! The branch here, never has had a pianist before, So I said I could play. And they all didn´t really know how to sing at first with the piano! They never heard the tune really of how th hymns go for real! So that was a new thing I had never seen before lol, I am helpìng them know how to sing with a piano haha. one of the kids wants me to do a class to teach them all piano!! My teaching piano before is paying off even now and I can continue to teach and play I love it! I missed piano!

Also, the other day one of the investigators we visited, Joana, and she wanted to look me up on social media, like facebook, and instragram, etc haha. So then we did, but it felt so weird to see my old life , and pictures of everything..They have so little here, so it is humbling and was kind of awkward almost for her to see how good my life was in the USA..it was almost embarassing haha. I feel bad for how much I had, compared to how so many people here live. I want to give them all gifts for Navidad soon! 

I have learned a lot more from Hermana Serrano too, she is so awesome and helps me all the time!! I love that after much prayer, studying, and putting your trust in God, he will bless you and answer your prayers. It always takes a trial of faith to show the Lord that you are willing to do what he wants. Also, everyone should watch the Light the World video!! It is on youtube, or Mormon.org. I am SO EXCITED FOR NAVIDAD! even though christmas is super hot and differetn here, I still feel the spirit of christmas, because it is all about christ!

Les Quiero a Todos,
Hermana Chelsea Martines


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