Argentina may be different but it is heaven!

Hola todos! 

Sorry this week I dont have too much time because we have to share the computers so I have like 20 minutes but Ill do a quick update! And try to send pictures actually ahhaha sorry I didnt upload is right last time.

This week I have learned to make the best of where you are at, and make is zion wherever you are at! I have learned to enjoy every moment because every moment is only given to you once! If you have the opportunity to grow, enjoy yourself, then go for it, you might as well make it a positive experience right!?

We had a blessing Wednesday because one of our investigators, Elmer, who is 14, is going to be BAPTIZED! only my first 2 weeks in the field and I have a baptism date?!?!!! Oh my gosh!!!!! God is so merciful and kind, He is a God of miracles today! (Mormon chp 9)! I also have learned that God teaches you poco a poco, little by little jajaja. He tries us with our faith and patience but is also so merciful and answers prayers. 

I love going to the rural parts, el campo haha is what it is called, because it is beautiful! The poorer areas are so georgous to me, I love it so much. The vast fields, the desert and mountains are gigantic! The Andes mountains are 10X the size of any in the USA!

Also here, we get up at 7, and go to the pension at 9:30 because of the later night life the Latinos have here! It is nice actually I love it better, we did have a lesson though Thurs. that went till 10:30 os we got back way later!! Also, they do the 2 besos here on each cheek, haha 2 kisses when you meet anyone. But sister missionaries cant do it to the guys, but if we werent missionaries we could do it. So we just give the kisses on the cheeks to the women. But yesterday at this memebers house we went to , there was a non member man and he went to greet me and kissed me cheek still! haha! I was like, oh lo siento, no puedo hacerlo! (I cant do that!) it was funny haha. I love the latina culture! It is a compliment when some people tell me that I look and sound like an Argentine! haha the people say that the language is in my blood and I need ´find it´.

Pictures will come soon! Sorry I dont have much time to say anything else today, I will have more time next week. Thank you all for the love and prayers!

Hermana Martines


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