We decided that English is the first Language, Spanglish is the
second language, then Spanish in the third part! Jaja we are good st
Spanglish. It was funny today we we were reading the Joseph smith
story, and I said josé smith, in Spanish in accident! Haha y mi
compañero y yo were testing each other on Spanish words earlier today,
and she told me them in English but I thought she was just talking to
me, saying like 'I'm sorry' and I was like uh what for? You're fine
haha! But then I realized she was telling me to say 'I'm sorry' in
español! Jajaja!
 Everyone here is so good at Spanish, the first day after I got my
companion and room we went to class after being there for 30 minutes!
They all knew Spanish already so welL! I was beginning to question if
I should be in an advanced class..haha, and everyone has such great
amazing testimonies! We met our branch president last night, and
everyone shared why they were on misions, and everyone was
so spiritual and an amazing experience only on the second day.  I'm so
excited I love all my girls (and elders I guess) so much! I already
feel so close to them we laugh all the time.
Here is a picture of the girl I met on Facebook going to my mission!
She is the nicest girl ever I love her so much!
Also, I might have missed some people on my email list, sorry I am
trying to figure out how to to do the email list still. It is
confusing to get all you guys in a group lol. I'm not tech savvy so

There is a quote that goes like, 'the convert must first be you,
before you convert others.' I love that. It's also interesting to
think that the people you help teach and that are converted to the
gospel go through such a great change, just as much as you (or I) will
go through as a missionary. I hope that makes sense haha.


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