Re: First week in the mish

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On Oct 7, 2017, at 4:54 PM, Chelsea Anne Martines <> wrote:

So my first few days in the MTC have been pretty good! I have been exhausted though and it is hard to remember everything we have done in the past few days. So I got here on Wednesday at 1:15ish. That day was stressful and long because we had woke up at 4am. We went to the salt lake temple for 5 hours after I got to salt lake, and then we went to dinner after. It was so nice and fun to be able to go to the temple with my extended family! I love the temple so much. I was so tired though because I got barely any sleep the night before, so I kept almost falling asleep in the temple and at dinner! 

The next day was when I reported to the MTC. Me and my mom went running a little that morning, and got packed and ready, all dressed to go. I ate some breakfast and then we had to get going to Provo, from Layton to meet my other family then go to the MTC! We ate at an argentine restaurant and then went to the temple to say goodbye and take pictures. It was so sad and emotional. They dropped me off in the garage of the MTC, and I headed into my next huge journey!

The MTC has felt like EFY, for those of you who have been there and know what it is. Except this is like 100% better than EFY because it's for a longer time and you gain so much more spiritual knowledge and can change your whole nature and being if you work and want that. That's the amazing thing about missions at I'm bringing to realize. This is the epitome of ones life most likely. You can become what you plan to be for the rest of your life, on your mission. In just a year and a half to two years. 

We went to class right away when I got to the MTC, after meeting my companion and getting our room. Our district is so awesome, I love them all and feel like I have known them for longer than just a week maybe, not even because it's been 5 days now!

Each day our schedule goes something like this: we wake up around 6-6:30, I usually run or workout but I have to have someone go with me. Then we all go to breakfast at 7:30, then class around 8:15 or so. We have class until 11:30, but also during that time we might teach people instead of have class actually that day. We usually teach pretend investigators, but there is a small chance they could be real ones. We have exercise time set aside usually after lunch sometime, and we also have an hour for personal study, companionship study, and language study. 

We practice teaching with each other often as well which helps. It really surprises me how much practicing something helps you prepare for the real thing! Haha. But I am grateful for the practice with our companions and district in class. We learn how to simplify, talk faster, and more correct. I am so grateful for the gift of tongue and how much heavenly father is aware of your efforts, trying to do your best, your potential, and knows what you can do in His timing.

My companion has been a little sick this week which is no bueno :( It's getting colder here so I'm anticipating a lot more people getting sick. we had to get medicine for her but she's doing much better now. On Monday, we got CHICK FIL A! BLESS UP! I made us all so happy! And these 2 girls in our room got brownies and donuts delivered to them, so we had a fiesta that night! haha I'll send pictures of it.

Last weekend, we had general conference where we get to hear from the leaders of our church. It was so good! I learned SO MUCH! I loved also the devotionals that we got to have, and the talk called 'Characters of Christ,' that we got to watch Sunday, by David A Bendar. It was the most inspiring thing in my whole life. The sad thing is that it is only available in the MTC here! But I wish every person could watch it, it is life changing.

Tuesday, nothing happened I think that is important to remember? It's been a blur so I kinda only remember the important stuff really haha tbh. Wednesday we had an AMAZING lesson con Laura! she is the person we have been teaching and she is from Argentina!!!! AH SO COOL! but she speaks super fast but somehow we have been able to understand her spanish haha. I felt more prepared because Wednesday was our 3rd lesson, we we're doing better. I love teaching her about faith, repentance, and Christ, it's helpful for me as well as her. Thursday we FOUND A DOG AT THE FIELD!! When we were playing some golf game haha, this cute old man and his puppy labrador came to and we got to play with her! It was so cute, a blessing to have a cute puppy that day to make us happier. Friday was another super good lesson con Laura, she is doing well but still has questions about the gospel and how to believe if certain things are true. But we've had super awesome grammar lessons in Spanish with Hermano Eddy, who served in Dominican republic! so He speaks MEGA FAST! THE FASTEST SPANISH EVER! but he's super helpful! We had a crash course of like all 4 years of spanish class into 2 days. Also Hermano Lopez, our normal teacher at night, is from Bolivia not Mexico like I thought,..haha sorry I just assumed! Lol but he is soo nice and sweet! haha he talks slower and says all the time 'muy buueeenn hermanas y elderes, muy bien!' the elders (boys in our class) can do a good impression of him haha. Today, Saturday, has been such a good day too! We went to the temple here in Provo this morning, at 7 and I didn't fall asleep this time at all haha yay! And we had the amazing temple breakfast there, way better than the MTC (missionary training center) here. 


I have been studying faith more recently in my personal studies this week, and found some amazing explanations about it in the scriptures that I didn't realize before. In the Bible dictionary, it says that true faith always produces and moves its possessor to some kind of physical and mental action. It is more than just belief. In the Book of Mormon, there is a story in alma, about alma and his brethren as they are in they going around doing missionary work. They one point in alma 31 is about them going to the zoramites, to teach them, because they have gone astray from the gospel of Jesus Christ. Alma prays and cries out to the lord to ask Him to help him, and his brethren. 

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