Hola todos!
> So I made it to the mtc! The missionary training center is what it
> stands for haha. So I am here for 6 weeks until November 7, then leave
> for Argentina! I'll send my address out later if you need it to write
> me or send me anything. But I'm really busy right now so I've been
> writing this email in between breaks so I'll find my address later.
> It's also in my Facebook.
> So funny story real quick, when I left on Tuesday with my mom for
> Utah, the plane had TVs and everyone was watching movies. But
> missionaries can't watch regular tv haha, and the old guy next to me
> was watching baywatch! Haha of course I couldn't watch that as a
> missionary, but it had zac Efron in it! And I feel asleep on him on
> accident!! Ahhh! Haha embarrassing it was funny, he just said it was
> alright but laughed anyway. At least I didn't drool on him. Later I
> was exhausted that day because I woke up at 4 am that day, then we
> went to the salt lake temple for 5 hours! I fell asleep in the temple
> a little bit! And at dinner! It was such a busy long day haha.
> So the mtc has felt like EFY for those of you who know what that is in
> our church but it is like EFY on steroids. It's super fun and busy and
> everyone is loving and knows what's going on so they can help you or
> hug you if you cry or are homesick hahaha. My companion is Hermana
> Mallet! She goes to the university of Utah!!! She's from Arizona
> though. Studying political  science and international relations with
> pre-med! So amazing I was like omg I'm doing something similar! She
> plays piano too!! I'm so excited we can play together!
> My district is awesome! There are 6 girls, 4 companionships, 4 elders,
> so 2 companionships there. The food isn't that great either. But oh
> well haha. My p-day (email day, preparation day) is actually Saturday
> but we don't have one this Saturday because of general conference so
> that is why we can email a little today they said until next Saturday.
> So I don't have much time today but I wanted to let you'll know I am
> here and alive and haven't died yet in the first 3 days without having
> to wait to hear from me until next Saturday!
> The Spanish is going so well actually! I have prayed in Spanish
> already like 3 times somehow and we planned a lesson in Spanish. It's
> not as hard as a thought and it is only 3 days in. Yay! Estoy
> emociomada! Jajajaj! My teacher is Hermano Lopez, super cool from
> Mexico he's so nice!! Started speaking Spanish right away!
> Sorry not much to report that has happened other than that. It will be
> more exciting later in the week! But, this morning I went running with
> my sister training leader, and she is so awesome going to Dallas Texas
> Spanish speaking! The altitude is not as horrible as I thought so I'm
> glad so I can run haha. The girls all in my district are going to
> Argentina too! Except one, my companion.
> I also met th girl that I met on Facebook going to Mendoza Argentina
> too! My mission! I dot know anyone else yet except her. She is so nice
> and from Georgia! I love her!! I hope we are companions. We need to
> get a pic so I can send it next week!
> Here are some pictures!  [THE PICTURES SHE SENT DIDN'T OPEN]
> 1. The girls in my district. The first day! It was a mess in our room
> hahahah we all were unpacking. All roommates! Mi compañero is in the
> black dress. From left to right is
> Hermana bowman, Hermana stirling, Hermana mallet, Hermana me
> (Martines), Hermana miskin, hermana sederholm. They're all from Utah
> except mallet and miskin who is from South Carolina! Haha
> 2. Yo y mi compañero
> 3. The girls and our sister training leaders! Herman Casper and Hermana Martin
> 4. Hermana Casper and I
> 5. Our district! The elders are from left to right: elder brinskin,
> elder Fleming, elder paez, his dad is FROM ARGENTINA! Haha he said he
> would make all our sisters the mata drink or something that hey have
> all over Argentina and South America? But it sounds like it should not
> be allowed to drink...haha it has weird herbs and spices. To last
> elder is elder kiene. They're th best elders!, so awesome!! Fleming is
> the district leader.
> 6.my name tags and preach my gospel in Spanish, español
> 7. Us today before we "exercised", haha we just played in the field
> some games. I'm wearing my Maryland shirt my dad got me! I also got my
> Maryland flag in my closet but I'll get a pic later. But it's okay
> cause I went running earlier today at 6!!!
> Miss you all, y Con amor,
> Hermana Chelsea Martines


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