
¡Hola mis amigos y familia!

This is of course my first blog post. I am a missionary that has been called to the Mendoza Argentina Mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Also known as, the Mormon church. I report to the Provo Utah missionary training center(MTC) on the 27th of September. Just a week away! Wahoo! Crazy how soon it is.

Well why am I going on a mission? Some may ask, why are you going on a mission for a church that makes you follow such strict rules? You can't see your family or friends at all for 18 months?! You won't have your cell phone? You can't return home even for big events? You can't do whatever you want on the trip? Why is it so long? Why are you going then? And, et cetera.

But I am here to tell you the answer. I'm so excited to be able to serve a mission for my church. I love the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is the reason I am the way I am today. It has shaped my life and who I am. I am so happy that I have a relationship with Jesus Christ, upon which it is my foundation for everything that happens to me in my life. I love the to read the scriptures, pray, follow Christ and His commandments, and the teachings that His servants give us. He is my source to keep going through things in life that are not easy. The gospel and Book of Mormon is true. I know it in my heart after learning for myself, getting answers from God. That is why I am going to give up a year and a half of my life to share His gospel with others that do not know of it yet. Because this is such a true message from God, I want to make sure others know about it and come unto Christ because I love my savior and Heavenly Father so much. He makes the sacrifice worth it, even amidst heartache and parting goodbyes. Because he suffered so much, he knows how to succor us in our trials and strengthen us even in our good times.

I hope you all will follow me on this huge, next step I take in my life! I can't wait to meet and teach so many new people the next year and a half. ¡Vamos a Argentina (well, the MTC first)! Let the journey begin :)

-hermana martines


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