
Showing posts from October, 2018

Re: week of...crazy exhaustion

foto from my bday from my family! On Mon, Oct 15, 2018 at 4:48 PM Chelsea Anne Martines < > wrote: hola todos, This week was a crazy week, we couldnt do much because of all the hermanas in our apartment that stayed with us, for going home, coming to train, and for paperwork stuff and other meetings for the leaders. I also had to go to the doctor again for my knees so they would give me another medicine. We also had to go to the dinner for the newbies missionaries that came this week, and the 1st training meeting! it was so funny because the asistentes invited us on short notice for the dinner and the training meeting, and we were like..uh but we already have been in training for a month now! hah but we went anyways. I felt like a newbie being with all them again haha! crazy that next month i will have been here in argentina for a year! A lot of people have rejected us this week as we talked to them, and i dont think i felt physically more exhausted ...

Re: Temple in Mendozzzaaa!!!!!

ah here is the foto with the happy misionaries haha sorry that other is from today with transfers with another sister!!! On Mon, Oct 8, 2018 at 3:29 PM Chelsea Anne Martines < > wrote: hola Todos Lo siento porque esa email no va a ser muy largo! (sorry i dont have a Lot of time haha again) but this week was incredible! With the conferencia general, transfers, and other amazing lessons it was a great week. so I am training Hermana Saad again this transfer haha! im so excited she is really an amazing person, the strongest person I know having all her trials in her family and she works so hard here! I am going to miss my other comp also a lot! Hna marceliano! she is the most amzing example to me! When I think of her, I will always remember her amazing example...she is very dedicated, mature, obediente, but also knows perfectly how to have fun and serve and enjoy the time we have. I love being with her! but I know she will do great in her home now in Pe...

Re: super blessed

sorry I cant dowland my other pictures, but here is one from my bday haha On Mon, Oct 1, 2018 at 1:30 PM Chelsea Anne Martines < > wrote: hola todos This week has been so great and i have learned so much from my companion! Fa, hna Saad, (mi hija, daughter) is so strong and great from all the things that have happened with her the last week...she has handled her trials so mature and taught me so much about having faith in the atonement of Jesus Christ.  We had intercambios, exchanges again a lot this week.. and we learned so much from the other sisters! It literally so fun every time to see how they teach and work! We have found some really great new people to teach but we are still trying to work on finding more people. Something crazy here is that the weather also has been super super hot, and then one day after its super cold! Also, we got to learn how to make a special cake from here in Argentina haha which was a plus from my compaƱera. Also we f...

super blessed

hola todos This week has been so great and i have learned so much from my companion! Fa, hna Saad, (mi hija, daughter) is so strong and great from all the things that have happened with her the last week...she has handled her trials so mature and taught me so much about having faith in the atonement of Jesus Christ.  We had intercambios, exchanges again a lot this week.. and we learned so much from the other sisters! It literally so fun every time to see how they teach and work! We have found some really great new people to teach but we are still trying to work on finding more people. Something crazy here is that the weather also has been super super hot, and then one day after its super cold! Also, we got to learn how to make a special cake from here in Argentina haha which was a plus from my compaƱera. Also we found some people really prepared for baptism and my comp invited them right away and they acepted! Im so proud of my comp, and also my other comp hna Mercelian,she has taught ...