
Showing posts from January, 2019

apostle comminnggg!!

Hola! This week has been great. We are planning 2 baptisms (maybe ) this saturday! Gisela and Maxi! Gisela went to church again yesterday! but still has to stop smoking and she told us she wants to separate from her boyfriend that lives with her for good. He really isnt good for her for many reasons and talked with the bishop that helps a lot. We went to look at a house for rent with her and helped clean her house last week. I really love her so much, it will be weird and hard not to see her when i end.  Maxi is doing really well, he is praying to get and answer still about baptism! Laura is doing really well and is really converted, i love to see the growth in the people! also this week was REALLY cold one day!!?? It was like 40 degrees farenhiet so weird haha! (its normally like 85 degrees) We had an asado another time here haha with the mission leader and the elders, we are going to have to say good bye to him because he is getting another calling :( but we sitll are going to work w...
This week has been really great to have new people to teach! I am so excited to help all the people hear to understand the gospel :) We had over 100 contacts again this week too! I really can see how being diligent in completing ones calling brings results. A lot of people are athiest these days or just dont care about God or think churches dont matter and its crazy to meet so many people like this here. We found a couple that had listed to the misionaries before, from the area book, the boyfriend is les active but the girlfriends not a member. They are really golden! They had a lot of questions about the book of mormon and love that we teach about the family. Its really incredible to see people looking for the gospel even when they dont realize it!  We changed the church hours, like everyone, to 2 hours now, starting yesterday, which was a weird change haha but it is better. I think more new people will be able to come attend easier. Hermana Saad and i have been together now almost 4 ...