
Showing posts from September, 2018

Re: training in a trio!?

one more, from a mini bday party yesterday with a recent convert! we have the same bday haha On Mon, Sep 24, 2018 at 11:24 AM Chelsea Anne Martines < > wrote: Hola todos, this week has been even crazier and the most incredible week of my life in the mision! I didnt know how many things the Lord had prepared for me! but so last week on monday they told us we are going to recieve a new sister, so we are in a trio! and we are TRAINING HER! its so crazy , she is from here in this mision in San Juan where i was in my last area! but she went to the MTC and is going to spain in her mision, Barcelona"! but has to wait for her visa. So its been crazy training in a trio in the middle of the transfer. We had exchanges a lot this week too. I also got sick again with sinusitis, an infection in my sinuses so that has been crazy. So we went to the hospital which is like the public docter here lol, and they got me a perscription for antiobiotics. I am doing mu...