Re: 2 time is bad luck? (my compañera fainted again)

oh yeah here is a cute little boy and we are teaching his family! Boniito omg! haha i miss holding little kids so much

On Mon, Aug 6, 2018 at 1:21 PM, Chelsea Anne Martines <> wrote:
hola todos

So this week my companera fainted in the terminal, when we were finishing intercambios!! (exchanges?) its the second time ive had my compañera faint haha its crazy"! She was eating a factura which is like a donut kinda here, and then the other hermanas with us, she fell into one of their arms! Her blood pressure was at 9! And the ambulance came but then they just told us that she has to drink coca cola(which is waay better here than in the usa btw) and drink agua with salt. So then we went home in a taxi that night and she drank soup and with a lot of salt, and got a priesthood blessing! I think its because of her diet or bad stomach still that shes having problems...

also this week we had a little miracle! It was strange, the other day I thought, hm we need to talk to this little boy and his mom to ask for permiso to teach her son, because he has already gone to the church before (his grandma is a memeber but his mom is not). And right when I thought that, they appeared out of nowwhere in the sidewalk! I was like woah the spirit works super fast to have told me that in a second! And so we talked to the mom and she said yeah we could teach her son and her too! So this week we taugh him, Tisiano se llama, and invited to baptism in 3 weeks from now and he wants to do it and invite all his friends and family! so amazing this little 9year old! He says that his favorite part of church is the sacrament! so sensative to the spirit!

We also have put a lot more emphasis in ALB, which is open your mouth (but in spanish) and talked to like 30 more people this week, it was great. we had enxchanges (like i said in the beginning) and in an area like my old area, all field like peoeple! I love it! we taught like 8 lessons that day it was great. 

I love my mission so much! It has changed my life completely and makes me sad to think i have only 7 months left! everyday i am learning how to teach better, how to be a more christlike person, and learning what are the things most important in my life. (one of those things most important now being mate and the panaderias (bread shops) here hahahha)

Hermana Chelsea Martines

1. the otro pday, we ate a bolivian food with a bunch of misionaries
2-3 martines/z twins
4.exchanges with hermana pineda en causete!
5.libro de mormon


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